Donate to Musicata

We are a registered charity that brings the passion and warmth of live choral performances to a wide-ranging audience, including people not exposed to classical and choral music. We also aim to enrich the local cultural scene by collaborating with up-and-coming local artists.

Your tax-deductible donation will help support local professional musicians, composers and artists. Musicata is a community-based organization with low overhead, ensuring that your contribution keeps the creative work directly.

Here’s how your donation can help:

  • $25 Covers the cost of music score rentals

  • $50 Pays for rental space for one rehearsal

  • $75  Offsets sectional support fees for professional local musicians

  • $100 Provides support for member dues for one concert

  • $250 Supports the opportunity to have a guest vocal artist at a concert

  • $500 Accompanies by a local professional musician

Please click this button to make your secure donation via Canada Helps today.